6 thoughts on “E-cigarettes: Smoke Without Fire… For Now

  1. It’s rather unfortunate that this is the dimension it has taken. All thanks to the early researchers who misled the gullible public by selling the idea of its safety to them. Now the narrative has changed, how would these gullible public start reprogramming their minds and tell themselves the bitter truth that this e-cigarette is more harmful than it was initially told.

    1. Stakeholder engagement it is. This conversation is actually long overdue. Thanks for your thoughts though.

  2. ….using a problem to fix a problem and then creating an even bigger problem!!! As a person who works with teens, many think vaping is cool, but as with all addictions, it creeps on you!
    For the small wins (those who were able to give up smoking totally by alternating with vaping), hopfully it lasts!
    I just see a situation where a problem is created/sold and then a ‘solution’ is also sold, so it’s a win-win for the nicotine industry!!!

    1. Great article, was wondering if there are alternatives or therapy for people that would like to opt out of vaping?

      1. Of course. That’s where a comprehensive therapy comes into play. A willing soul and a working system will make the difference.

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